About Us


International Student Exchange Program Coordinator

Seattle-based NorthWest Student Exchange (NWSE) is seeking an International Program Coordinator to join our team.

Join the NWSE team and apply your cross-cultural communication skills in a fast paced, yet casual and professional international setting. Individuals with excellent interpersonal and organizational skills desiring to work with our international team and participants are encouraged to apply.

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Become an NWSE Regional Manager

As a vital part of the NorthWest Student Exchange team, Regional Managers recruit, orient, and supervise a network of local area coordinators to help ensure timely, high-quality local supervision and placement of NWSE’s international exchange students in host families and high schools in the U.S.

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Become an NWSE Area Coordinator

Make a real difference in the life of an exchange student. Provide American families with the opportunity to learn about another country without leaving home. Give international young people the chance for an American educational experience while promoting international friendship in your community.

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“My NWSE Exchange has been perfect – the best decision I ever made.”

Emil from Germany

“[NWSE’s] choices of school, the host family, and the coordinator were great! My exchange experience supported by NWSE was valuable and memorable. I would like to recommend NWSE as an…

Namiki from Japan

“It is amazing how fast the students adapt to your home life and become just like your own son or daughter. They have personalities that bring a lot of different…

Mark from Utah, USA

“This completes my third year hosting as a double placement, and I would not even consider a placement through any other agency. The three of us got along delightfully and…

Lane from Washington, USA
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